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Quiver Notes

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The Kronecker quiver is //. The quiver of type D4 is y o. E We can also consider a quiver with a single vertex v and a single edge e: v!v. A representation W of a quiver Q is a collection of k-vector spaces Wv for each v 2Q0 and linear maps fe: W v 1!Wv2 for each edge e: v1!v2 in Q1. The vector (dimWv) 2Q 0 inside CQ0 is. The Kronecker quiver is //. The quiver of type D4 is y o. E We can also consider a quiver with a single vertex v and a single edge e: v!v. A representation W of a quiver Q is a collection of k-vector spaces Wv for each v 2Q0 and linear maps fe: W v 1!Wv2 for each edge e: v1!v2 in Q1. The vector (dimWv) 2Q 0 inside CQ0 is.

Evernote was the note taking application was the most popular option for a number of years and was the least bad of the options out there. However, recently Evernote has been promoting their paid plans in a way the hurts their free users. Removing popular features, like emailing in notes (1), and imposing extra restrictions, like limiting you to only 2 devices (2), made me reconsider if Evernote was really the best option out there. Popular alternatives to Evernote at the time of writing include: Simplenote, and Microsoft's OneNote. I like to avoid Microsoft wherever possible, and Simplenotes offerings were average at best, and the reviews did not help sell me on their product.

I have quite a few notes in Evernote. Thankfully, Quiver can import notes in the Evernote .enex format.

The advantage to products like OneNote, Evernote, and Simplenote is that they offer Mobile apps and Syncing across devices. I rarely find myself editing, or creating notes on my device, but I would like to be able to access notes on the go, just in case (usually for reference purposes). The Apple App Store features Quiver as one of their 'Apps for Developers' and since starting college, I have used Evernote primarily to take notes in class (many of which are Computer Science Courses). If you have ever tried formatting a note in Evernote, you know the nightmare that it is. And while apps like Alternote make it a little easier, they still don't make it easy. Quiver fixes all of their with their innovative approach, which they call cells. Cells are different areas of your note that can be formated as text, code (with syntax highlighting for a bunch of languages), Markdown, LaTeX, or Diagram; all of which are rendered beautifully by the App. The app even supports importing Evernote Notebooks! The only downside for me is that there is no sync engine, or way to view my notes on the go (either on a mobile device or in the cloud).

Quiver Latex

In order to take my notes on the go, I took advantage of their export script that converts entire notebooks of notes into HTML folders. The files themselves are hosted on my webserver and are displayed via a beautiful jQuery, PHP file explorer from Tutorialzine. While the Quiver Notebook Library is saved in Google Drive (mostly for backups and safe keeping), I am using the very powerful rsync command to sync the library between my mac and the web server.

Server Setup

Set up a folder (with password protection if you like) with your web server of choice (mine is NGINX) and copy the files from the repo into the folder. Take note of the path of the folder since you will need to enter it into the sync script that we will install on the mac.

  1. Install the quiver2html node module. npm install -g quiver2html
  2. You will want to set up Apache, NGINX, or your web server of choice to serve the PHP content in the folder you cloned the server files into. Google is your friend here.

When you are done, navigate to the URL for your folder and you should see something like this. Geogebra 6 0 for mac free download.

Mac Setup

We need to configure the computer to sync the Notebook Library automatically and request that the server convert the library into HTML. This is achieved with a simple shell script that is run every 5 minutes by launchctl, Apple's version of CRON on newer OSs. Launchctl uses specialized plist files (which can be created with launched) to tell it when to run what command.

Update the script's variables to match your installation.

Architectural design software free download mac. Copy the shell script to your local/bin folder.

The advantage with placing the file in your local bin folder is that you can call 'quiverSync' at anytime from your command line to toggle a sync. Now would be a good time to test the script to see if it works before continuing. Take a look at the website and you should see something like this.


If everything is working the way it should, place the launchctl script into the Launch Agents folder. If the ~/Library/LaunchAgents Top 10 online games for mac. directory does not yet exists, you can create it with 'mkdir'. There are several Launch Agent folders on your computer, the folder in your user library only runs when you are logged in, which is what we want, since you will likely not be making changes to your quiver notes while you are not logged in.


I think that Quiver, with the addition of the sync tool we implemented, will replace Evernote for me. It is an extremely powerful note-taking tool that won't be charging you monthly per-device. It may not have as many features as the competition, but it serves its purpose for me very well.

Devices for holding an archer's arrows have been around for probably as long as bows and arrows themselves. This article explores the mounted archery quiver, also sometimes called a horse archery quiver. Mounted archery quivers do come in many forms and styles and vary from culture to culture. Most are relatively small compared to infantry archery quivers and were almost always worn on the hip.

Scythian Gorytos

A unique quiver arrangement, the Scythian gorytos is a combination of a bow case and a quiver in one package. The ancient Persians, who were in contact with the Scythians also made use of this style of mounted archery quiver.

Several examples survived through the ages and have been recovered from tombs and burials in the former territories of Scythian tribes. A strung bow is placed in the gorytos close to the archer, and the arrows (with nocks up) are in a compartment on the outside of the quiver. The quiver was typically carried on the left hip of the archer, facing towards the archer's back. Several surviving examples are highly decorated, and one was found to be made of human skin.

Ottoman Quiver

Ottoman style, Turkish mounted archery quivers are compact and many surviving examples are beautifully decorated. Torchlight mac full version. These quivers, like most horse archery quivers, are suspended from a belt and rests on the archer's hip. In the case of the Ottoman quiver, the arrows are put in so the nocks point up and towards the back of the archer. The quiver itself only covers roughly the bottom third of the arrows. The archer will not have to pull an arrow out very much in order to free it from the quiver.

The Ottoman quiver is worn on the right side of the archer. Combined with a thumb draw, where the arrows are nocked onto the right side of the bow (for a right-handed archer), the quiver on the right hip allows for quick and convenient reloading. Check out these hand-made, Ottoman style quivers by The Flying Hun (CLICK IMAGE FOR LINKS):

Quiver notes music

If everything is working the way it should, place the launchctl script into the Launch Agents folder. If the ~/Library/LaunchAgents Top 10 online games for mac. directory does not yet exists, you can create it with 'mkdir'. There are several Launch Agent folders on your computer, the folder in your user library only runs when you are logged in, which is what we want, since you will likely not be making changes to your quiver notes while you are not logged in.


I think that Quiver, with the addition of the sync tool we implemented, will replace Evernote for me. It is an extremely powerful note-taking tool that won't be charging you monthly per-device. It may not have as many features as the competition, but it serves its purpose for me very well.

Devices for holding an archer's arrows have been around for probably as long as bows and arrows themselves. This article explores the mounted archery quiver, also sometimes called a horse archery quiver. Mounted archery quivers do come in many forms and styles and vary from culture to culture. Most are relatively small compared to infantry archery quivers and were almost always worn on the hip.

Scythian Gorytos

A unique quiver arrangement, the Scythian gorytos is a combination of a bow case and a quiver in one package. The ancient Persians, who were in contact with the Scythians also made use of this style of mounted archery quiver.

Several examples survived through the ages and have been recovered from tombs and burials in the former territories of Scythian tribes. A strung bow is placed in the gorytos close to the archer, and the arrows (with nocks up) are in a compartment on the outside of the quiver. The quiver was typically carried on the left hip of the archer, facing towards the archer's back. Several surviving examples are highly decorated, and one was found to be made of human skin.

Ottoman Quiver

Ottoman style, Turkish mounted archery quivers are compact and many surviving examples are beautifully decorated. Torchlight mac full version. These quivers, like most horse archery quivers, are suspended from a belt and rests on the archer's hip. In the case of the Ottoman quiver, the arrows are put in so the nocks point up and towards the back of the archer. The quiver itself only covers roughly the bottom third of the arrows. The archer will not have to pull an arrow out very much in order to free it from the quiver.

The Ottoman quiver is worn on the right side of the archer. Combined with a thumb draw, where the arrows are nocked onto the right side of the bow (for a right-handed archer), the quiver on the right hip allows for quick and convenient reloading. Check out these hand-made, Ottoman style quivers by The Flying Hun (CLICK IMAGE FOR LINKS):

Quiver Note Taking

Korean Style Quiver

The Korean style of mounted archery quiver is also a relatively small quiver worn on the hip. The arrows are placed with nocks up and the quiver is worn so that the arrow nock point to the back of the archer. Korean quivers are, like most horse archery quivers, relatively shallow, allowing for the archer to easily extract the arrows.

Check out this Korean style quiver by! Ideal for mounted archery. Click image for link: Translatium translator 8 1 0.

Hungarian (Magyar) Quiver

The ancient Magyar or Hungarian quiver is somewhat unique among mounted archery quivers. It is of a tubular shape, tapering at the center (somewhat like an hourglass). It is not a shallow quiver but rather covers the entirety of the arrows it holds. A small flap grants access to the arrows within, which are placed pointed end up unlike most other arrow arrangements in archery. Arrowhead selection may have been easier with this orientation. Several fragments of Magyar quivers have been recovered from burial sites and tombs in Eastern Europe.

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Japanese Mounted Quiver

Several types of quivers were used in traditional Japanese archery. Yebira, ebira and shiko all names of Japanese quiver. The quivers would often be highly decorated. They're held in place by means of a belt with nocks up, pointed toward the rear of the archer. They differ from the cylindrical yazutsu which hold arrows in kyudo. The arrows are taken out of this and held in the draw hand. Mailbar 1 1 5. Many styles of Japanese mounted quiver are quite unique in their minimalist design with the sides of the quiver leaving the arrow tips exposed.

Manchu (Chinese) Quiver

The Manchu quivers are, like other Asiatic quivers, quite shallow. They are worn from a belt, with nocks pointed up and towards the back of the archer. Extra pockets and slots are usually attached to the main quiver to allow the archer to better divide his many types of arrows (blunt head, whistling etc.). This is an extensive article on the Manchu quiver here:

Note the extra compartments on the side and front of the bow:

Quiver Notes Windows

Modern Quivers

Quiver Notes Mac

Modern mounted archery quivers draw on the designs of some of the above mentioned historical quivers. Many creative artisans make wonderful quivers today that I am sure our archer ancestors would be quite impressed by.

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